After closely studying the weather patterns and tidal movements Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) has chosen this week to reopen the sand bar which forms at the beach entrance to the Vasse Diversion Drain to help flush the maximum amount of sea water in to the drainage system.
In what looks to become an annual event, the Vasse Diversion Drain sand bar at the beach outlet was opened on Wednesday 7 January 2020, slightly earlier than the trial opening in February last year.
During the trial opening in 2019, DWER monitored water quality in the lower sections of the drain and the results were positive. Water quality improved; fish populated the lower sections of the drain and recreational use of the drain increased.
Opening the sandbar is an outcome of the Geographe Catchment Drainage Management Plan (2019 in prep) designed to Revitalise Geographe Waterways.
Water Corporation Regional Manager John Janssen said, “The excellent result achieved in improving water quality through opening the sand bar has made a big difference.”
“Improving the water quality has not only improved the aquatic environment but the drainage system looks much better too.
Given the low rain fall this winter and the warm summer weather, now is a good time to help the system with flushing in some fresh sea water,” he said.
Heavy machinery was used to open the sand bar which saw a section of the beach closed for three days.
Early results appear promising as the tides flush the lower section of the drain.