Dairy farmers across the state are working towards meeting new standards in the recently revised Code of Practice (the Code) for Dairy Farm Effluent Management 2021, and by doing so are helping to keep waterways healthy and reduce their fertiliser bill. Farmers in the Geographe catchment are on the front foot after years of working...Continue Reading
South West Region MLC Hon Jackie Jarvis, appointed as new Chair of the Vasse Taskforce Vasse Taskforce to continue McGowan Government’s ongoing commitment to the waterways of the Geographe Bay catchment. New Taskforce Chair replaces former Chair, Hon Dr Sally Talbot MLC Water Minister Dave Kelly today announced the appointment of Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC...Continue Reading
Farmers attended an uPtake Trials Field Day in September to see firsthand two fertiliser trials underway in the Geographe Bay Catchment. As the sun was shining, the project partners shone a light on some of the outcomes of the trials so far. Local farmer Brett Sue said that he is interested in how this research...Continue Reading
There was a full bus for the Flood protection in Busselton bus tour held recently, as 57 community members witnessed firsthand the complexity of the local drainage network. The tour was organised in response to community concerns over flood risk during winter, visiting the Sabina River detention basin, Vasse Diversion Drain culverts, Vasse surge barrier...Continue Reading
Two new fish studies by Murdoch University are providing insight into fish species living in the Vasse and Wonnerup estuaries near Busselton. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the Department), on behalf of the Vasse Wonnerup Wetlands Partnership, commissioned Murdoch University to undertake the two research projects. The first study focused on Black Bream...Continue Reading
It’s often said that there are no simple solutions to improving water quality in Geographe waterways, however results from research being carried out on farms in Yoongarillup (near Busselton) and Keysbrook (Peel) are showing impressive results on reducing phosphorus loss off farms. The research is trialling applications of soil amendment products which bind phosphorus, keeping...Continue Reading
A new group-learning program for beef and sheep farmers has been well received in the south west, with seven Geographe farming businesses signing up to improve their grazing management and business performance as part of the Grazer Matcher program. Farmers that completed the 12-month program have been reporting great progress and currently there are four...Continue Reading
Hours of time, money and careful planning by farmers in the Geographe Bay Catchment to upgrade their dairy effluent systems has them on the front foot to manage dairy effluent this winter and into the future. Ten dairy farmers took up the opportunity for funding incentives to upgrade their systems and have an effluent plan...Continue Reading
Seven Geographe farm businesses are increasing their knowledge and application of grazing best practice by participating in the Grazer Matcher program. Grazing Matcher aims to improve productivity and profits for farmers and minimise impacts to the environment by supporting farmers to adopt best practice grazing management across their sheep and beef farms. This includes implementing...Continue Reading
GeoCatch hosted a community forum at the Geographe Bay Yacht Club in June to help inform the crowd of around 45 attendees about the progress and challenges of managing water quality in Busselton’s Vasse Wonnerup wetlands and Lower Vasse River. Scientists from the Departments of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER), and Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions...Continue Reading