It’s been a highly successful year for the Revitalising Geographe Waterways project with farmers, government agencies, scientists, catchment groups and the broader community working together to improve water quality of Geographe waterways.
Scientific research undertaken in earlier phases of the project is now informing management decisions as we roll out actions in the catchment and make plans for the future of our waterways.
Join GeoCatch and partners to launch the 2017 Revitalising Geographe Waterways Report to Community.
Presentations will include updates on:
Revitalising Geographe Waterways projects and science highlights
Water quality of Geographe waterways
Water management plans for the Lower Vasse River, Toby Inlet and Vasse Wonnerup Wetlands
DATE: 28 June 2018
TIME: 5.30-7pm
VENUE: Broadwater, Busselton
REGISTER HERE: by 24 June. You’ll receive venue location details upon registration.