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Innovative program revitalising Geographe waterways

A report into the first four years of Revitalising Geographe Waterways program was released today in Busselton, detailing the success of the program. Key achievements detailed in the report included improved water quality in the Toby Inlet and Vasse Estuary channel thanks to increased seawater flushing, and a reduction in nutrients entering waterways through effective...
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Bay OK Garden on show!

GeoCatch hosted its first ever Bay OK garden party on the weekend, with gardening celebrity Chris Ferreira joining passionate home gardener and Bay OK Project Officer, Lisa Massey, to showcase her Bay OK garden in Busselton. The Forever Project’s Chris Ferreira took 80 visitors on two hour-long walks through the garden, sharing practical tips and...
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Farmer stories of best practice celebrated

Local farmers who have made major changes to their fertiliser practices were celebrated in September at the Beyond Soil Testing sundowner hosted by GeoCatch. The stories of these farmers are being shared through an online video, which was launched at the event and focuses on the benefits of being strategic with fertiliser so nutrients stay...
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Science made community-friendly for Vasse-Wonnerup wetlands

New booklet summarises extensive monitoring of Vasse-Wonnerup wetlands Further ecological monitoring to occur into 2020, with the McGowan Government committing $1.6 million for Revitalising Geographe Waterways program McGowan Government working with partners to improve waterway health The complex ecological make-up of Busselton’s Vasse-Wonnerup wetlands is the focus of a new booklet launched today that summaries...
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Science saving Black Bream

Seven years of Black Bream research is helping to better manage this popular recreational fishing species in the Vasse-Wonnerup. Speaking at The secret life of Black Bream event last week, Murdoch University’s Dr James Tweedley presented his findings on the unique biology, ecology and behaviour of Black Bream. The Black Bream research, which is funded...
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Long awaited recreation area for Vasse Diversion site

Busselton residents are being encouraged to experience a newly developed recreation area and carpark alongside the Vasse Diversion Drain following the completion of the Vasse Diversion Drain Enhancement project this week. The finishing touches included installation of a Bay OK garden which is hoped will be embraced by the community. GeoCatch Project Officer Lisa Massey...
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Plans to guide future waterway management released

Three final plans that will help determine how our local wetlands and waterways are managed into the future have been completed and are now available online. The three plans were finalised in June and will guide future management actions to improve waterway health and water quality in the Lower Vasse River, Toby Inlet and the...
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Farmers Dig in for 40 km Fencing Effort

Local farmers have given a boost to the health of Geographe waterways over the last three years with support from GeoCatch to fence 40 km of waterways and undertake 11 hectares of revegetation to protect stream-side vegetation and improve water quality. Lamb producer, Chris Mayfield, co-owner of Perivale Lamb in Upper Capel recently installed 3.6...
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Spreader accuracy saves money and helps waterways

Farmers from across the catchment descended on a farm in Treeton recently to gain a better understanding of ways to improve the accuracy of their fertiliser spreaders. A properly tested and calibrated spreader is highly beneficial as it delivers fertiliser evenly across paddocks and helps to prevent runoff of nutrients into waterways. Local farmers brought...
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New trials to improve water quality in regional waterways

Scientists from across Australia will use state-of-the-art technology over the next four years to work with grazing farmers in Western Australia to reduce nutrient loss off farm and improve water quality in local waterways and estuaries. More than $5.5 million has been provided by the State and Federal governments for Smart Farming Fertiliser trials to...
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